3 First wave emulators

In this section we train the first wave of emulators.

Let us start by splitting wave0 in two parts: the training set (the first half), on which we will train the emulators, and a validation set (the second half), which will be used to do diagnostics of the emulators.

training <- wave0[1:90,]
validation <- wave0[91:180,]

We are now ready to train the emulators using the emulator_from_data function.

ems_wave1 <- emulator_from_data(training, names(targets), ranges)
## I25 
## I40 
## I100 
## I200 
## I300 
## I350 
## R25 
## R40 
## R100 
## R200 
## R300 
## R350 
## I25 
## I40 
## I100 
## I200 
## I300 
## I350 
## R25 
## R40 
## R100 
## R200 
## R300 
## R350