3 Constructing the emulators
The first task that the full_wave
function accomplishes, is to build the emulators based on the training data. We start this section by establishing the structure of the emulators that we want to construct. We then show how to build emulators step by step.
3.1 Background: the structure of an emulator
An emulator is a way of representing our beliefs about the behaviour of an unknown function. In our example we have a stochastic model and we choose the unknown function to be the mean of each of the model outputs over multiple runs. Given a set of model runs, we can use the emulator to get expectation and variance for a model output at any parameter set, without the need to run the model at the chosen set. Note that more sophisticated approaches are possible when working with stochastic models: apart from the mean of outputs, other features, such as the variance or various quantiles can be approximated through emulators.
In this tutorial, we will construct an emulator for each of the model outputs separately (even though more complex techniques that combine outputs are available). The general structure of a univariate emulator is as follows: \[f(x) = g(x)^T \beta + u(x),\] where \(g(x)\) is a vector of known deterministic regression functions, \(\beta\) is a vector of regression coefficients, and \(u(x)\) is a Gaussian process with zero mean. In our tutorial the correlation of the process \(u(x)\) is assumed to be in the following form, for two parameter sets \(x\) and \(x^{\prime}\): \[\sigma^2 \left[(1-\delta) c(x,x^{\prime}) + \delta I_{\{x=x^\prime\}}\right].\] Here \(\sigma^2\) is the (prior) emulator variance and \(c(x,x^{\prime})\) is a correlation function; the simplest such function is squared-exponential \[c(x,x^{\prime}) = \exp\left(-\sum\limits_{i}\frac{(x_{i}-x_{i}^{\prime})^2}{\theta_i^2}\right).\] The ‘nugget’ term \(\delta I_{\{x=x^{\prime}\}}\) operates on all the parameters in the input space and also represents the proportion of the overall variance due to the ensemble variability. This term also ensures that the covariance matrix of \(u(x)\) is not ill-conditioned, making the computation of its inverse possible (a key operation in the training of emulators, see Appendix A). The \(\theta_i\) hyperparameters are the correlation lengths for the emulator. The size of the correlation lengths determine how close two parameter sets must be in order for the corresponding residual values to be highly correlated. A smaller \(\theta_i\) value means that we believe that the function is less smooth with respect to parameter \(i\), and thus that the values for the corresponding parameters \(x_i\) and \(x_i^{\prime}\) must be closer together in order to be highly correlated. The simplifying assumption that all the correlation length parameters are the same, that is \(\theta_i = \theta\) for all \(i\), can be made, but more sophisticated versions are of course available. In such case, the larger \(\theta\) is, the smoother the local variations of the emulators will be.
We would like to warn the reader that several emulator structures and correlation functions are available. Alternatives choices to the ones made above are discussed in Appendix B.
3.2 Constructing the emulators step by step
To construct the emulators, two steps are required:
We create a set of ‘initial’ emulators
by fitting a regression surface totrain0
. These simple emulators will provide us with estimates for the regression surface parameters and the basic correlation specifications;The emulators
constitute our prior which we adjust to the training data through the Bayes Linear update formulae. In this way we obtain the final version of our first wave emulators:ems0_adjusted
Let us now go through each step in detail.
3.2.1 Step 1
The function emulator_from_data
creates the initial emulators for us. We pass emulator_from_data
the training data, the name of the model outputs we want to emulate, the list of parameter ranges and the ensemble variability. Taken this information, emulator_from_data
finds both the regression parameters and the active parameters for each of the indicated model outputs. Model selection is performed through stepwise addition or deletion (as appropriate), using the AIC criterion to find the minimal best fit. Note that the default behaviour of emulator_from_data
is to fit a quadratic regression surface. If we want instead a linear regression surface, we just need to set quadratic=FALSE
We note that in principle we can insert basis functions of any form for the regression surface.
evs <- apply(wave0[10:ncol(wave0)], 2, mean)
ems0 <- emulator_from_data(train0, output_names, ranges, ev=evs, lik.method = 'my')
#> Parameters and ranges: beta: c(0.2, 0.8); gamma: c(0.2, 1); delta: c(0.1, 0.5); mu: c(0.1, 0.5)
#> Specifications:
#> Basis Functions: (Intercept); beta; gamma; delta; beta:gamma; beta:delta; gamma:delta
#> Active variables: beta; gamma; delta
#> Beta Expectation: 100.14; 94.8268; 39.3626; -104.0459; 40.5446; -71.8908; -31.4994
#> Beta Variance (eigenvalues): 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0
#> Correlation Structure:
#> Variance: 651.438
#> Expectation: 0
#> Correlation length: 1.241873
#> Nugget term: 0.1522625
#> Mixed covariance: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Note that we calculated the ensemble variability evs
taking the mean of the column \(EV\) in wave0
. The function emulator_from_data
uses evs
to estimate the delta parameter, i.e. the proportion of the overall variance due to the ensemble variability.
We can plot the emulators to see how they represent the output space: the emulator_plot
function does this for emulator expectation, variance, standard deviation, and implausibility (more on which later). Note that all functions in the emulatorr package that produce plots have a colorblind-friendly option: it is sufficient to specify cb=TRUE
for (i in 1:length(ems0)) ems0[[i]]$output_name <- output_names[i]
names(ems0) <- output_names
The emulator expectation plots show the structure of the regression surface, which is at most quadratic in its parameters, through a 2D slice of the input space. Here parameters \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\) are selected and we get a plot for each model output. For each pair \((\bar \beta,\bar \gamma)\) the plot shows the expected value produced by the relative emulator at the point \((\bar \beta,\bar \gamma, \delta_{\text{mid-range}}, \mu_{\text{mid-range}})\), where \(\delta_{\text{mid-range}}\) indicates the mid-range value of \(\delta\) and similarly for \(\mu_{\text{mid-range}}\).
To plot the emulators standard deviation we just use emulator_plot
passing ‘sd’ as second argument:
Here we immediately see that the emulator variance (or equivalently, standard deviation) is simply constant across the parameter space for each emulated output. This is not what we want though, since one would expect emulators to be less uncertain around the parameter sets that have been evaluated by the computer model. This will be taken care of in the next step.
3.2.2 Step 2
We now use the adjust
method on our emulators to obtain the final Bayes Linear version of our wave0
Note that the adjust
method works with the data in train0
exactly as the function emulator_from_data
did: it performs Bayes Linear adjustment, given the data. This function creates a new emulator object with the adjusted expectation and variance of beta as the primitive specifications, and supplies the values for the new emulator to compute the adjusted expectation and variance of \(u(x)\), and the adjusted \(Cov[\beta, u(x)]\). Due to the update formulae, the correlation structure now depends on where in the input space it is evaluated.
We can see that the adjusted emulators more reasonably show the structure of the model. The variance has been updated: the closer the evaluation point is to a training point, the lower the variance (as it ‘knows’ the value at this point). In fact, evaluating these emulators at parameter sets in the training data demonstrates this fact:
em_evals <- ems0_adjusted$I10$get_exp(train0[,names(ranges)])
all(abs(em_evals - train0$I10) < 10^(-12))
#> [1] TRUE
In the next section we will define the implausibility measure while in section 5 we will explain how to assess whether the emulators we trained are performing as we would expect them to.